List of Australian Amateur Radio Nets

Listed Net’s may, or may not be active. Tune in and participate. Let me know in the comments section of any additions or changes.

I made this page because as a new Amateur, I wanted to test out my radio gear, but had no idea what to tune into.

I’ll focus on HF and DMR as 2m and 70cm outside local areas can be limiting and I have not invested the time yet in EcoLink etc.


Australia Wide Amateur Radio Nets

  • Australia, New Zealand and Africa DX Net –
    • Schedule 1: 20m Net: 14.183 MHz, 0500 UTC, daily
    • Schedule 2: 15m Net: 21.205 MHz, 0400 UTC, Saturday

NSW – New South Wales – Amateur Radio Nets

QLD – Queensland – Amateur Radio Nets

VIC – Victoria – Amateur Radio Nets

TAS – Tasmania Amateur Radio Nets

SA – South Australia Amateur Radio Nets

WA – Western Australia Amateur Radio Nets

NT & ACT – The Territories – Amateur Radio Nets