Wow – when I found out that you could use markup schema to format your web pages – I was like – yes – this is awesome. Websites can now read not just the “content” of your website – but also the correct “context” of the website.
I need to do this for all my website customers listings. But then reality hit – another language to understand and decipher. I quickly turned to Google, looked around and found only a few schema generators and the ones I did actually find were terrible.
Did I just stumble on something that was going to be big and just never took off/was canned or have I just found a massive arbitrage?
So, I invested ages going through the website and looking at all the examples. Have a look – there are countless examples and references. With any deep study and concentration, after a while, I started to get the idea of how schema markup really worked.
I was in love again. Where have you been all my life schema!!
Then I had to make a choice – there are different ways to mark up your pages so Google can rank them better and the two I found most popular are “microdata” and “JSON-LD”.
Gene Maryushenko has, by far, the best guide on how to markup your local business schema data right here