Google Apps Sending Email from WordPress Contact Form 7
Google Apps is secure. Really secure – its great but the security can also make it tricky to send emails easily from your WordPress installation.
This trouble is, Google Suite (The new and improved Google Apps) locks down everything and then you have to unlock certain areas to allow access.
I kept on getting the error message “Failed to send your message. Please try later or contact the administrator by another method” in Contact Form 7.
I even followed all the guides and help of other in forums – but still could not get it to work.
Now, I hate having to have a plugin for everything – I truly believe if you can get away with not using a plugin and instead find the right option to tick or untick – or better still add a piece of code to a configuration file – that is the better way to go. Yes, I acknowledge that everyone is not technical to do this – I have my limits – but if you can, try not to load your WordPress installation with plugins that you have to continuously keep track of and update (and that’s another post).
So after long chat supports with Google (they were really helpful) I ended up downloading a plugin. I decided to bite the bullet – I downloaded and installed a plugin called “Gmail SMTP Plugin for WordPress.
The Plugin is free and has really easy to follow instructions – All I had to do was install it and follow their helpful guide to create an API (not as scary as it sounds – easy step by step instructions) then add the details to my WordPress installation – all of a sudden – I was sending email from my contact form 7.
Here is the Plugin and here is the documentation.
Leave your comments and questions below.
Best of Luck!