How to create tracking pixels for your website
Tracking Pixels Tracking pixels are like little beacons that you can use to see if someone has landed on your webpage from another website. They are great for conversion tracking / goal tracking...
How to use the WordPress Ping List for Faster Post Indexing
How to use WordPress Ping List for faster indexing of a new blog post. Using the built in WordPress Ping List is a great way to get your blog listed automatically with search engines. How the...
How to easily create a YouTube Channel Subscription URL Link
To easily create a link that allows people to subscribe to your YouTube channel, simply add the following to the end of your youtube channel address:?sub_confirmation=1 So, here is my YouTube...
Link Building Using Award Bait & Ego Bait
link bait examplesLink bait helps grab your audience’s attention and steers them to your content so you can then serve them best.Click Bait Vs Link BaitClick bait is only seen as a bad thing...
How to Make it in Business
How to make it in businessI now do what I want to do because I did what others weren’t prepared to do. #investinyourself✅ I retired at age 34. ✅ I never borrowed any money, choosing to invest...
How to Remove Gaps between Video Clips in Premiere Pro
Removing All Gaps Between Video Clips It’s really easy to remove all gaps between video clips in Premiere Pro. I know after editing, your timeline will have big gaps of spaces where it would...
Remarket to Your Email List with Google Ads
Google Ads allows you to remarket your email list to Google users. What is Remarketing Remarketing is a highly effective way to market to prospective clients who have already shown some interest in...
How to Setup Facebook Tracking Pixel Cookie
The Facebook pixel helps you measure the effectiveness of your advertising. You can use Facebook pixel to understand the actions people are taking on your website and reach audiences you care about....
How to use the Robots.txt File to block search engines
Robots.txt files control search engine crawler access to certain areas of your site. You may want to block off certain areas of your site from search engines You may have a newsletter that you...
What is the Best Blog Post Commenting Strategy
Commenting on blog posts is first about adding value to a conversation, but on the same token, is also a great opportunity to gain a good valued link back to your own website. If you have good...
How to Look More Influential in Your Profile Photo
Choosing the right photo for your business profile will subconsciously determine how people interact with you. Here is a good article on choosing the right profile photo for maximum influence and...
Which Desktop Background Wallpaper Size is Right for my Computer?
Which Wallpaper Size is Right for My Computer? Rather than have a whole bunch of different sizes for each of our wallpapers, we have them broken down into the four most common aspect ratios for...
How to use Categories in Joomla
How to use Google Tag Manager
How to Screen Snip on a Mac
Print Screen: Press COMMAND+SHIFT+3 simultaneously to save an image of the entire screen to the Desktop Part of Screen: Press COMMAND+SHIFT+4 simultaneously to snip a specific area of the screen to...
My mac will not connect to my VPN
What if my mac VPN does not have a shared secret or certificate? how can I bypass IPs shared secret or certificate when connecting to an older Microsoft VPN network Home VPN connections using PPTP...